How it works page
It’s as easy as…
Click the “Get Started” button and sign-up now.
The first week is free and you can cancel any time.
Complete our online questionnaires – just like you
would in an initial consultation with a Dietitian.
A Dietitian will review your responses.
Your Lead Dietitian is assigned. You are connected to
a learning group. Your program material and access
instructions will be released.
Watch the introduction videos and read the
program material online, in your own time on your computer,mobile
or tablet. Complete the quizzes and self-reflection worksheets.
Ask your Lead Dietitian questions using the
“Ask A Question” button. Your Dietitian will provide video
and online responses via your learning group forum.
Connect to others in your learning group through the
online forums. Learn, reflect, share experiences and create
healthy change together.
Set and achieve realistic, sustainable
weight control & lifestyle goals.
Complete our online questionnaires – just like
you would in an initial consultation with a Dietitian.
A Dietitian will review your responses.
Live with more energy through balance, reduced stress,
increased activity and healthy eating.