
This tropical fruit is a rich source of vitamin A and also contain vitamins B, C and E. Mangoes are also an excellent source of carotenoids – one of the most powerful antioxidants – and a great source of fibre.

How to eat a mango

You can enjoy mangoes in a variety of ways, but they’re at their best when eaten raw and plain. Here’s a guide to slicing a mango for ease of eating:

mango1 Slice the mango along the longest sides, beside the stone. This area is called the ‘cheek’.
mango2 Make criss-cross cuts into the flesh, without cutting the skin.
mango3 Push the mango flesh upwards from underneath the skin. Eat the cubes and enjoy!

If there’s quite a lot of fruit left on the stone, cut it away with a knife and use it in a puree. Add your puree to a smoothie, or use as a topping for yoghurt or low-fat ice cream.

Choosing mangoes

Mangoes start off green and develop their yellow, orange or red colour as they mature. Before you buy a mango, sniff around a little! If a mango has no aroma, chances are it won’t have any flavour. Ripe mangoes have a pleasant, fruity smell around their stem.

Storing mangoes

Store unripe mangoes at room temperature for a few days to allow them to ripen nicely. Once ripe, store mangoes in the fridge and eat within three days.

You can also freeze mangoes. Firstly, cut them into cubes or slices, then put them in a container or freezer bag. You can also pour mango puree into ice cube trays and freeze it for a refreshing change to ice cubes with fruit juice, or add them to a smoothie once frozen.

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