Fresh Fish in a Flash

Fresh Fish in a Flash

Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 3 mins
Total Time 8 mins
Cuisine Fish & Shellfish, Mediterranean
Servings 2 People


  • 200 g Fresh Fish, Such as Rockling
  • 1/2 tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper To taste
  • 4 pcs Thin Slices of Tomato
  • 6 pcs Thin Slices of Lemon and a Sprinkle of Lemon Juice


  • Place evenly shaped fish pieces on a microwave-safe dinner plate. Season with pepper and a little lemon juice.
  • Cover with sliced tomato and top with lemon slices. Cover with microwave-safe plastic wrap and Zap on medium high (80%) for 2.5 minutes.
  • Stand for 30 seconds, uncover and serve.


Calories :140
Kilojoules :590
Fat :3
Carbohydrate :2
Protein :25
Cholesterol :82
Sodium :95
Saturated Fat :1
Fiber :2
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